Monday, February 21, 2011

Samsung LED TV - More Advantages of LED CCFL

When asked what makes television different from those LEDs are simply "TFT is the element must read. It is an attempt to explain each term in a way that not a loss from the less technical reader.

The first thing you should know that the LED screens are also made by TFT, or at least there is a sign there. It's what you are looking, and is the most important part, the backlight modulated. Each pixel (Multi-Color-point, the smallest addressable unit of a screen Home Entertainment) is on the screen of three subpixels, one for each color. Recently, it has an addition of a fourth sub-pixels to illuminate-yellow, but in the interest of policy, we do not need to know about it. Each subpixel has a small transistor that is transparent, but the controls under the LCD crystal either transparent or opaque. It happens most often by turning the crystal pattern, also known as twisted nematic TFT-LCDs.

That is, the only difference between TV and TFT-LED is the type of backlight use it. TFT-LED High Power White LED as light source, of course, while the latter with an old trick called CCFL or cold cathode fluorescent lamp. These light guides are different from those of you in an office building, airport or train station, where the energy efficiency would see a priority. The tubes you see in televisions and computer monitors are quite sophisticated in comparison, still pale in almost every aspect (no pun intended) the LED.

LEDs are more durable than fluorescent tubes. There are no moving parts, no reaction chamber to ignite with particles of mercury in vapor form and no phosphorus to the UV light into heat and visible light. LEDs are solid-state light emitting elements of an electronic circuit. They are light, they face virtually indestructible and highly resistant to wear and have, so Samsung LED TVs estimated 100,000 hours of time between failures.

Another very important that the lamps in a modern flat screen TV LED change the quality of the image, or more than the great improvement in wins. makes Light-Emitting Diodes from a spectrum much more coherent white screen TFT given up more precision, the colors more realistic and pop will be discussed.

My favorite part of this solid state light emitters is their energy, if you have two models of television sets, the set similar in function and differ only in their solutions backlight to compare, you can see decline as large as 35-40% for the LED. In a 32 "model is usually not sufficient to make a significant dent in the energy bill, but at 55 you're looking at a completely different case.

These benefits alone, an LED-TV for those who already sell a flat screen, but you will not convert until you have one for you. You can not see the difference in energy efficiency, sustainability and, of course, but the picture quality is immediately apparent.

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