Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Samsung LED TV - The future is finally here

It is used in traffic lights has increased television and is the last picture in the dictionary - LED. Generally light-emitting diode, the light sources semiconductors.
It was so in 1962 as a light emitting diode former provided little red light intensity developed. In the 50 years from the diode must be used in many applications in many gadgets in order, such as cars (indicators, brake lights) and as I said before the traffic lights.

Currently uses television and is a pioneer in the manufacture of electronics products, Samsung has taken strong and fortunately for him.

current fashion, new game flat screen is available in different sizes, technologies and functions. It is your responsibility to know what is good for you or what you need.

• Look for a huge wall-wall TV, and a theater?
• Do you need a computer or network connection - you may need for your favorite programs.
• Does the design priority for you?

Samsung Light Emitting Diode offers on each of the above.

Samsung LED does not offer stunning image quality and offers an ultra-thin. Discover the brilliant colors of flies than white to black the darkest. What a long way since the forties, black and white - often gray and dark gray models.

The Samsung LCD TV uses LED lights to the rear of the screen, back, or just around the perimeter (edge light).

LED TVs are energy savers and some consumers have claimed up to 50 percent effective energy assessments.

The Samsung LCD TV is wall mounted and portable parts because of the LED, the TV also works well in rooms, light or dark. 3D - yes, are considered as 2D and 3D and can change some 2D to 3D with a press of a button - sports and movie fans will probably support this.

Advantages and disadvantages
• The clearer picture
• Save energy - uses 40 percent less than conventional models.
• No delay or heating.
• Thin and compact.

If there are drawbacks, the most important award. However, given the increase in the LED market, will dip costs.

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